3 Web Development Tips to Improve the SEO Performance of a Website

As a most important pillar of digital marketing, SEO has always been an overwhelming job. Marketers can try conducting plenty of different tactics for optimizing their website for the search engine but most of their strategies get limited only in optimizing the content of the website for the targeted keyword.

Of course, it is an important job for improving the SEO performance of a website but if you want to optimize your website effectively then you have to start the process a lot earlier since the development of your website. You can hire a company that offers web development in Cape Town as well as in the other cities. Meanwhile, sticking with the following tips will also help you to improve page ranking of your site.

Choose the Domain Name Carefully

In terms of SEO, domains are not just your business name. So, when buying domain businesses have to ensure that their domain name will help their visitors to understand the purpose of the website. Let us suppose a London based car mechanic wants to buy a domain for providing his business an online presence. Then he should focus on buying a domain that contains the word “car repairing”, “car modifying” etc. Studies have proven the fact that keyword oriented domains perform well in the organic search. You can also consider purchasing a domain that contains your business location.

Using ALT tag

Search engine does not have the ability to check images like we do. So if you do not use ALT tag with the images that you have used on your website then search engine crawler will ignore those images. However, if you use ALT tag with all the images that you have used in your website then it will be helpful to the search engine crawler to understand the content of the image. So by using ALT tag, you will help search engine crawler to index your website better.

Load Time of a Website

The load speed of a website is directly related to the web designing and development. And it is important for businesses to increase the page speed of their website as it is directly related to the SEO performance. By improving the server response time and using small sized images you can improve the load speed of your website. On the other hand, optimizing your code and reducing redirects will help your website to load faster.

By following the 3 tips mentioned above you will be able to improve the SEO performance of your website. After that, you can also hire a company that offers SEO in Cape Town to maintain the page rank of your website.

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